Goodwen Elevator Management provides cost-effective, comprehensive solutions for all your Vertical Transportation needs
During an elevator audit our team of expert elevator consultants will examine and assess your vertical transportation unit whether that be an elevator unit, escalator unit, moving walkway or other people carrier. Goodwen Elevator Specialists will make sure your elevator unit is up to code and in compliance with performance and efficiency standards as well as industry best practices.
Goodwen offers tailored solutions to meet your specific elevator, escalator and moving walkway needs, The Vertical Transportation industry is constantly evolving and developing new technology, making it challenging for building owners to keep up to speed. The Goodwen Elevator Management team provides the experience and expertise to meet your unique building needs.
Due diligence evaluations for all forms of vertical transportation illuminate points of elevator or escalator concerns and code requirements when purchasing or selling a building. Elevator due diligence increases profitability when buying a property. Our team of Goodwen Vertical Transportation experts is ready conduct elevator due diligence to protect you, your building and your real estate transactions.
Elevator performance and efficiency is critical. An elevator Modernization Audit provides recommendations to reduce cost and increase safety and efficiency. Elevator modernization is a significant investment for any building owner and an Elevator Modernization Audit ensures all proper measures are taken. Our industry expertise and cutting edge diagnostics provide data which will allow you to make sound decisions when upgrading your unit.
Whether you’re involved in the construction of a new building, or you're adding a new elevator to an existing property, our Goodwen experts can provide new elevator or escalator construction services. Our detailed project designs are developed with developers, architects, and building owners in mind and help ensure your project will be completed within budget and on schedule.
Elevator Insurance Claims
Elevator Management Services
Invoice Reconciliation
Traffic Analysis
Project Management
Contract Reviews
Project Rescue
Bid Analysis
Contract Negotiation
And More